Cask of Amontillado

based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe EXT. TOWN SQUARE. FLORENCE, ITALY. FLORENCE QUEER FESTIVAL. SUNSET. Rainbow fairy lights and pride flags line the streets. A large stage fills half the square. A crowd bubbles with anticipation. PAUL (26) lingers at the back of the crowd. He observes the festivities. His grey suit blends into the shadows. He's obviously wealthy, estranged, plotting. VINCENT (25) parades on stage in an extravagant fools's costume. He waves and blows kisses, the bells on his hat jingle. He's captivating, confident, thriving. Thunderous applause. An ANNOUNCER follows. Paul claps sourly. ANNOUNCER (into mic) Welcome, one and all, to the annual Florence Queer Festival. And thanks to you, the biggest one yet. Cheering. ANNOUNCER We are delighted to have you as we announce our very special guest of honour. His first film was screened here just four years ago. He has since been to Sundance, Toronto, and he's even been nominated for an Oscar... Paul studies Vincent; a predator stalking prey. ANNOUNCER I proudly present, Vincent Fortunato! He hands Vincent the microphone. Vincent bows. He waits for the energy to calm. Paul is disgusted, envious. He daydreams the crowd chanting for him. VINCENT Thank you! This is so surreal, absolutely unreal. The crowd chants his name. He beams and places a hand over his heart. Paul snaps back to reality. He scowls and bites his nails. VINCENT I remember my first screening. I was so nervous. I put my heart and soul into 'Forever'. I'm still so proud of it. And the best part? You guys loved it. The crowd roars. VINCENT I couldn't have done any of this without my wonderful, supportive, gorgeous boyfriend. Damien, I love you. DAMIEN (23) is stood in the wings. He's dashing, artfully formal, hip, refreshing. He blushes and blows a kiss. Vincent catches it. The crowd awes. Paul grinds his teeth, his eye twitches; he feels betrayed. VINCENT I hope you guys have a good time tonight! Enjoy the films, it's an amazing selection and I'm not just saying that because they're showing mine. (he winks and mumbles) Go and watch 'Originality'. The crowd laughs, their cheers deafening. Vincent blows a kiss to them with a peace sign. He saunters to Damien. The crowd disperses. Paul creeps to the stage, sticking to the shadows. He snoops on Vincent and Damien. DAMIEN You gonna be okay for later? You've had a lot- VINCENT I'll be fine. You do your thing and I'll go for a walk to sober up, sound good? Damien nods hesitantly. They share a kiss. Paul smirks and slinks away. EXT. ALLEYWAY. EVENING. Paul lurks in the shadows. His phone screen illuminates his sinister gaze. He glances up. A shadow emerges from around the corner. Vincent staggers into view. He admires the buildings; he's happy to be home. Paul grins and hastily puts his phone away. He hangs his head and rushes at Vincent. They collide. VINCENT Oh shit, I'm so sorry- Their eyes meet. Vincent's face lights up. VINCENT Paul? PAUL Vince? VINCENT Montresor, my man! How've you been? They hug and touch cheeks. PAUL Fine. What're you doing here? Thought you made it big time. VINCENT I wouldn't go that far. I'm here for the festival. Guest of honour, actually. Paul feigns surprise. He forces a grin. PAUL No way! Congratulations, man. I've been ADing here and there. Still building my way, I guess. VINCENT I believe in you, always have. Paul isn't convinced. He gestures down the alley. They stroll. PAUL It's been hard. VINCENT Isn't it always? You talking to anyone from school? Paul shakes his head. VINCENT I'm organising a reunion tonight. Laura and Dames will be there. Come along. PAUL Laura? I was just trying to find her. You wouldn't know where? VINCENT I could hit her up. What'd you need her for? PAUL Well, I bought this cask of amontillado- VINCENT Amontillado? PAUL I was told it was but I'm unsure. I wanted to see if Laura could- VINCENT (mocking laugh) Laura? Sorry, she couldn't tell pinot from sherry. I'll do it. PAUL You sure? You've got business up here, I can get Laura. VINCENT We can bring it to her instead. Surprise everyone. If it's the real deal. PAUL Fine, alright. Good plan. Vincent gleams. Paul smirks. The evening grows dark as they make their way to... INT. MONTRESOR FAMILY HOME - KITCHEN. NIGHT. A pristine, decadent kitchen. It hasn't been used in years. Vincent and Paul are at the door to the cellar, torches in hand. PAUL Watch your step. The cold makes the stairs slippery as fuck. Paul leads Vincent down marble stairs into darkness. Vincent is cautious, anxious. VINCENT Colder than I remember. PAUL Maybe you've gotten more sensitive. Being in LA so much. VINCENT Maybe. Footsteps echo in the tense silence. PAUL Aren't you moving? VINCENT Thinking about it. Better work. Better everything. Damien and I have good memories there. PAUL And you don't here? Vincent is hurt, conflicted. VINCENT I wish I could bring you all with me. PAUL How's your ma? VINCENT Different... She's stuck in this loop and I can't seem to convince her we don't need him. PAUL That's hard. I'm sorry. Vincent shrugs. He's deep in thought. Paul's torch brightens his snide smirk. INT. WINE CELLAR. NIGHT. It's pitch black. Their torches barely help. There are wall to wall shelves with deftly labelled casks and bottles. Their exhales condense. Vincent takes out his phone. Paul pulls his coat tighter. He fidgets impatiently. VINCENT Let me just text Dames... PAUL We're in a basement. No signal. VINCENT Oh, yeah. He grins and takes a selfie of them. Paul is startled. VINCENT For when I get homesick. Vincent looks at the picture. He giggles at Paul's face. Paul shifts uncomfortably. PAUL Vince, you really don't have to do this. It's a long walk and the festival- VINCENT I'm here now and I'm not going back 'til I've tried this 'amontillado'. Vincent presses onward. He gestures for Paul to join. Paul hesitantly follows. FURTHER INTO THE CELLAR. The cold is harsh. Vincent's nose is red. His hums echo. Paul picks at the skin around his nails, he's distracted. Vincent stops. He admires a plaque on the wall between shelves of casks. It's the Montresor family sigil; a snake in grass that is biting a foot that has stepped on it. Underneath, the Montresor family motto: "Nemo me impune lacessit." Paul clocks Vincent's absence. He observes at a distance. VINCENT What does this even me- Vincent has a coughing fit. Paul is amused. Slight concern. PAUL You shouldn't even be here. Let's go. He tries to scurry past Vincent. Vincent puts a stern hand on his shoulder. VINCENT No. (sputters) I'm fine. A cough isn't gonna kill me. Paul reluctantly obliges; they link arms and resume their journey. PAUL "No one provokes me with impunity." VINCENT What? PAUL Our motto. Nemo me impune lacessit. No one provokes me with impunity. Their eyes lock. Vincent nods. He looks longingly at the stairs. Paul pulls him tighter. EVEN FURTHER INTO THE CELLAR. Frost is spattered on the walls. Icicles of wine on the taps of the casks. The cold is biting. Vincent wears Paul's coat. Their faces are red. They shiver. Teeth chatter. Paul glares at Vincent. Frustrated. Concerned. He yanks his arm free of Vincent's clinging. He scans the nearest shelf, muttering. He brandishes a bottle of Medoc. Vincent brightens. He snatches it, pops the cork and chugs. Paul is stunned. Vincent catches his breath. He offers it to Paul. Paul refuses. Vincent shrugs and swigs more. He stares distantly. VINCENT (slurred) I could really go for a dirty dog right now. PAUL What? Vincent glimpses the confused Paul and giggles. VINCENT Forgot that's totally an LA thing. I miss LA. You would love it. So cool... PAUL Yeah. Paul storms ahead. VINCENT Hey, wait up. Vincent puts the bottle down. He tries to catch up. Paul doesn't let him. END OF THE CELLAR. The walls are covered in frost. Icicles consume the shelves. Their torches are dim. There's a dingy concave. A cement mixer to one side. A chain snakes out the darkness. Vincent is drunk. He coughs, his breathing is heavy. Paul shifts nervously by a haphazard pile of barrels. He subtly kicks the chain and gestures into the small space. PAUL Right in there. VINCENT (eyes cement mixer) You just build it? PAUL Yeah. Was told it needed specific conditions and the rest of the cellar was... too warm. Vincent peers at the icicles and snickers. He heads in excitedly. He reaches a wall and feels around. Paul's breathing is staggered. He looms behind Vincent menacingly. He glances at the chain; one end is attached to the wall by Vincent. VINCENT (turning) Where even is i- Paul lunges. He grabs the chain, wraps it around Vincent and pulls it through an O-ring. He clasps it to the wall, out of Vincent's reach. Paul glares at the bewildered Vincent. VINCENT What... What the fuck? Paul hauls a heavy bag from behind the barrels. He unzips it. The bag is filled with bricks and cement mix. He fills the cement mixer and turns it on. It whirrs ominously. He brandishes a trowel; a sinister smirk. Vincent laughs nervously. He pulls weakly on the chain. VINCENT Real funny. Come on, where's the amontillado? Paul checks his watch. VINCENT Is this some weird ritual to see if I deserve it? Vincent struggles. He hiccups and burps. Paul chuckles. VINCENT Wait... Is this a sex thing? PAUL Gross. No. Paul lays cement. He places the bricks. Vincent tries to reach the clasp. The chain presses into him. He pukes. Paul is disgusted. He builds faster. Vincent curls up and breathes deeply. He pinches himself. VINCENT (to himself) Wake up. Wake up Vinnie. Paul judges harshly. A SHORT TIME LATER. The wall is half built. Vincent is sobering. He sobs and struggles viciously. Paul is maliciously entertained. VINCENT Let me go! Let me go! Vincent writhes and yanks at the chains. VINCENT Please... Why are you doing this? PAUL (mockingly) Why are you doing this? Vincent is staggered. VINCENT Help! Somebody help! PAUL I sent everyone home. Vincent hyperventilates. He tries to reach the clasp. The chain tightens. He falls to the floor. He sobs and coughs and screams. Paul slams his fists on the wall. PAUL Will you shut up if I tell you? Vincent stares, terrified. PAUL You were drunk and you- You fucking lied to me. VINCENT Dude, what are you on about? PAUL All those times you said you liked my films. You said we'd rise together. (spits) Fucking liar. He builds faster. Vincent moves toward Paul. VINCENT Bro. I don't remember saying that shit. Paul is sceptical. VINCENT Hey, I haven't even seen your new stuff. Let's go back. Watch it. Maybe it's bette- Vincent meets Paul's furious gaze. VINCENT (cries) I didn't mean it like that. Paul's face twitches. Anger turns into apathy. The wall gets higher. The prison gets darker. Vincent whimpers. He hugs his knees and gently rocks, coughing and shaking. LATER. Paul is most of the way through the wall. Vincent stares at nothing. PAUL Remember when we first met? Vincent glares at Paul; he wants to kill him. PAUL I don't mean the first day. I mean when we were us. Vincent's eyes glaze over; he's in another time. Paul smirks. PAUL We even wanted to move to LA. VINCENT Is that what this is about? Scared of losing me so you trap me in your fucking basement? PAUL I lost you a long time ago. I don't wanna lose to you. Big man with a big name. Don't need me. VINCENT So what, you're jealous? Grow up, Montresor. This is insane. What about Mama, Damien? PAUL People go missing every day. Let's see, you're an openly gay, rich dude. Do I need to connect the dots? Vincent wails. A harsh coughing fit denies his despair. Paul slams the bricks as he builds. He's trying to drown out Vincent's cries. LATER. Paul lays the last of the cement. He hums softly to himself, relishing each brick placement. Vincent coughs weakly. He wipes his tears. VINCENT (croaking) Paul? PAUL What? VINCENT We'll all enjoy a nice glass of amontillado after this, won't we? You, me, Laura, Damien... Mama too? Paul is unnerved. He doesn't know how to respond. PAUL Yeah. Amontillado. Vincent smiles and closes his eyes. He drifts, thoughts of Damien and damn good wine. Paul brushes it off. He builds in the eerie silence. There is one brick left. PAUL Vince? Nothing. PAUL Vincent? He climbs on a barrel and shines his torch through the hole. Vincent's head lulls, the bells on his hat jingle ominously. Paul is rattled. He jumps down, places the last brick and throws the tools. He neatly stacks the barrels in front of the newly built wall. LATER. Paul admires his work. It's like nothing happened. He wipes his nose. PAUL Shit... My coat. He crosses his arms and paces down the chamber. PAUL Rest peacefully, Vincent Fortunato. He smiles maliciously. A renewed, confident stride. EXT. TOWN SQUARE. NIGHT. A crowd buzzes anxiously. Police officers wander, talking, writing. Paul's eyes dart, he fakes curiousity. He spots Damien and LAURA (26), she's simple, beautiful yet terribly insecure. He joins them. They've been crying. They hug him. LAURA It's Vince. DAMIEN He's missing. Damien holds himself. Paul feigns shock. PAUL What? I just bumped into him- DAMIEN Where? When? PAUL (gestures vaguely) A few hours ago? It wasn't too far from here. He told me to come for the reunion but he wanted to walk alone... DAMIEN (sobbing) I should never have let him go. What have I done? Laura embraces him. Paul places a hand on his shoulder. PAUL I should have gone with him. We can't blame ourselves. For all we know he's fine. Maybe drunk- DAMIEN I just can't shake this feeling, y'know? LAURA You're worried about him. We all are. I just can't believe they're doing it. PAUL Doing what? LAURA The screening. They won't even postpone it. DAMIEN "The show must go on." Laura scoffs. Moment of melancholy. LAURA What about Paul? His face falls. PAUL What about me? DAMIEN Wait... yeah. Paul gulps. DAMIEN Do you think you could introduce 'Originality'? I can't do it. Neither can Laura. Laura shudders. Paul sighs in relief. PAUL Of course. They hug. Newfound purpose in Paul's eyes. Laura smiles at him and he tries not to grin too much in return. DAMIEN (whispers) Thank you. Thank you so much. PAUL It's my absolute pleasure. CUT TO BLACK.


disclosure: an emphatic call to arms for trans visibility


race and mental health: the psychological damage on people of colour when dealing with racial issues